Building a Brand: Where do You Come In?


We talk a lot about what Brand means and what you should expect from your branding agency when they build your Visual Identity and Logo. (If you’re wondering what the heck we’re talking about, check out this blog post on the differences between, Logos, Visual Identities, and Brand Insights)  It’s time to zoom out and look at what YOU need to do to build an effective brand and everything that encompasses.

Building a truly effective brand can take some legwork on your end before you even consider looking at building a visual identity. So what does that entail? Here is a 5 step process that may help guide your brand building process. 

Step 1: Your Purpose

Deciding your purpose and putting it into words is the first step to defining who you are and where you fit in the market. This includes writing out your vision, mission statement, company values, and Promise. Who you are at your core helps to guide the rest of the brand building process! 

Step 2: Your Audience

Next in the process is figuring out who you are trying to reach. Who are the people you want to serve? What are their problems? Their desires? If you’re looking for some extra help figuring out what they might want, check out this blog post on the 8 core desires of your audience. So why does audience building come now instead of later? Because you need to understand who you’re talking to before you can effectively talk to them. 

Step 3: Who are you?

So now you have your purpose laid out and who you’re trying to reach. Now it’s time to build a framework for reaching them. What is your content strategy? What is the vocabulary and language you want to consistently use? What’s your voice? These are all questions that will help establish your organization in the marketplace. 

Step 4: Building your visual brand 

This is where the professionals come in. Building a logo and visual identity is not for everyone. Designers go to school and dedicate years to their craft. They are the experts when it comes to creating a logo, choosing colours that work well together, exploring fonts that match the personality of the company. We specialize in creating these brands, see our services page to learn how we can help you build your brand

Step 5: Activation

Now you’re ready to put your brand out into the world!! Use your visual identity and the brand frameworks you created to present your business to the public! You’ve done a lot of the hard work and now it’s time to put it all together and share it with the world.


So what step are you on? Are you missing any pieces? Invest in yourself and make sure your audience is seeing the best version of you! Give us a call, 780-539-3755, to start your branding journey today!! 

Picture of Meghan Jobson

Meghan Jobson

Meghan is a Digital Marketing specialist and educator. Her expertise in marketing ranges from copywriting and organic marketing to marketing software customization and CRM management plus everywhere in between! She applies her creative side to solve problems and map out marketing strategies and campaigns.